Jens reads bios (life) and -graphia (writing) from ‘biography’ as the privilege to write about lives in the sixth mass extinction. Jens is a settler migrant living in Gulumirrgin, who listens to cheap Anthropocentric stories as a bedtime ritual. Jens lubes themselves within STEM-ified bubbles of medical technocracy to pay bills, but might convert to green capitalism for the next rental season. Jens heats up their oxymoronic identities like leftover stews: Hongkong guerrilla, queer bureaucrat, global north environmentalist, ethical quantum computing researcher, arts professional, and other emerging canned food. Jens loves sipping topical moist in all deformed dating apps idealism, and lives up to become the best masseur on Tiwi Islands.
Jens is participating in the 24th Biennale of Sydney as part of the collective Yangamini.