Troth are a nipaluna-living duo comprising Amelia Besseny and Cooper Bowman. Their music blurs lines between minimal synth-pop, immersive ambient soundscapes and field recording based sound art. Key themes across their work are interpreting time spent in natural environments, attempting to engender beauty via tapping into elements of ritual and finding new modes to express dialogue with each other.
In 2022 they toured Europe, performed at Soft Centre (Sydney) and MONA (Tasmania).
In 2023 they have supported Maxine Funke (NZ) and hosted Jon Collin (Sweden) for a short tour.
Also in 2023, they released their third album, Forget The Curse, a compilation of early work on Sweden’s Fordamning Arkiv and a live cassette via Melbourne’s A Colourful Storm.
They have a mini-album, titled Idle Easel, being released before the year is out.